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PINA Sponsored Events
Mutual Aid Webinar. Explore the emerging pattern language for mutual aid to see how it applies to a wide range of projects that can generate economic self-governance in 4 live sessions with Zev Friedman. Thursdays, Sept. 19 – Oct. 24, 2019; 1.5 hour each. Recordings will be available to participants. Continuing Education credit for PINA diplomates. Register Now.
See the archive of previous newsletters.
September 2019 PINA Newsletter – Issue #6
Serving our members with news and information for the professional permaculture practitioner. Every issue you will find a feature article, the latest news from our Executive Director, and a technical information piece, as well as a personal story from one of our members.
PINA members receive all our newsletters as well as other benefits. All others are receiving this issue of the newsletter as a sample and encouragement to join.
Featured Story
2019 Design Contest Opens
Featuring Invisible Structures
PINA is offering $5,000 of prize money spread over five awards for winning designs in two areas that closely track our recent diploma program expansions: Community Development and Media & Communications.
The Community Development prize of $3,500 will go to the best design for a community-based program of tree-planting for climate mitigation and resource development. Entries may be for rural or urban areas. Most of the prize will be paid for implementation of the design, which must, of course, be feasible and have a clear pathway to being installed. However, some portion of the award can be paid for education and outreach. Successful projects will ensure stewardship of the community woodland, and will stack as many useful functions into it as possible:
Diploma offered in Regenerative Land Management
In cooperation with Earth Activist Training, PINA announces a 6th specialization in its diploma program. Designed to be completed in two years, this diploma is oriented to those seeking a career in large property management: farms, forests, retreat centers, public parks, and wild lands, among other possibilities. The curriculum for this diploma is more explicit than in the previous five PINA specialties, but has numerous options for individual choice. This diploma also calls for three internships, including one month in a foreign culture, country, or language.
Mutual Aid Webinar to launch 9/19
Our second major undertaking for the season is the Mutual Aid webinar with Zev Friedman, set to launch on September 19th and continue for four Thursdays. There is a break between the third and last sessions, so it winds up on October 24. The webinar will take place over Zoom, and registrants will be sent a link to connect. Places remain for this exciting event. Zev has been honing his already keen delivery through a conference recently held in the Carolinas. Register Now.
PINA Update: Report from the Executive Director
As the summer begins too cool into autumn, PINA is winding up for two major endeavors. With this newsletter, we announce the 2019 Design Contest offerings on two tracks: Community Development and Media & Communications. These awards call forth talent in the areas PINA has highlighted for professional development during 2019. We want community organizers to take on the problem of mobilizing communities to plant trees for climate mitigation and resource development.
Opportunities for designers broaden
Evidence that permaculture is moving into the mainstream continues to manifest. Urban Planners are being exposed to the concept of a seven layer food forest on city land as a key strategy for food deserts and implementing public food forests in multiple cities. Atlanta and Philadelphia are implementing major food forests in their cities, and a number of others are in planning stages.
Why I Joined PINA
Click here to read the story of Monica Ibacache and how she became Board President.
PINA Events Calendar
Click here to see all the latest PINA-endorsed regional and continental events on our Events Calendar!
2019 NEW Permaculture Design Contest OPENS
This year’s contest offers prizes in Community Development or Media &
Communications. Contestants may enter one or more designs in either or both tracks.