Affiliate Program & Promo Kit
Regional Hubs
The principal support for PINA’s decentralized structure is designed to be a group of regional hubs spanning North America and Hawaiʻi. These affiliated permaculture organizations encourage professional development and interactions among members. Hubs serve Permaculture Design Course (PDC) graduates collaborating within a geographic area.
Regional hubs vary in size, population and level of permaculture activity. PINA recognizes a single hub for each region. The below list and map of currently projected hubs may be adjusted by PINA in response to local action and input. Hubs may split into smaller regional groupings over time, provided each has sufficient energy to sustain itself, and is acknowledged by PINA.
Through representation on its Board, the Hubs participate in the governance of PINA. Hubs also support the PINA diploma program through the nomination of Field Advisors, by providing opportunities for mentorship of diploma candidates, and in the review of diploma portfolios.
PINA is encouraging and helping regional groups to form hubs, but many regions have not yet achieved that status. See more on how to help form a regional hub below.
Go to descriptions of existing PINA Regional Hubs.
Bioregional Hubs (as initially projected)
- British Columbia
- Arctic: Nunavut, Northwest Territory, Yukon
- Canadian Prairies: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Atlantic Canada: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador (Maritimes on map)
- Pacific Northwest: AK, WA, OR
- Northern California
- Southern California
- Rocky Mountains: Colorado Permaculture Guild, WY, MT, ID
- Desert Southwest: NM, AZ, UT, NV
- Prairies: ND, SD, NE, MN, IA
- Great Lakes & Rivers Permaculture Institute: WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, KY
- South Central: MO, AR, KS, OK, TX, LA
- Southeast & Gulf: NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, TN, MS
- Mid-Atlantic: PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV
- Permaculture Association of the Northeast: NY, New England states
- Hawaii
Criteria and Requirements
In order to qualify as a PINA Hub, each applying organization must show these commitments in its charter or policies:
- Extends opportunity for membership to all PDC graduates in the region.
- Is an inclusive, public organization operating for the benefit of all permaculturists in the region, and is distinct from private business enterprises.
- Upholds PINA’s professional standards and works within PINA’s defined process for granting diplomas.
- Uphold the ethics and principles of permaculture.
- Pays $120.00 annual dues to PINA. Under certain conditions, financial support may be available to new and forming hub organizations.
Hub Goals, Objectives and Functions
- Build a bridge between grassroots permaculturists and PINA, providing services, connections and support for PDC graduates, PINA diploma candidates, diplomates and regional field advisors.
- Create opportunities for PDC graduates to develop their skills, gain more experience, and connect to mentors who can help them fulfill their own vision for professional permaculture practice. (i.e., encourage the practice and teaching of permaculture in the region)
- Promote networking and communications among regional permaculturists, to strengthen the local and continental permaculture communities.
- Promote the work and skills of field advisors, teachers designers and other permaculture practitioners.
- Publicize qualifying regional permaculture events, classes, and projects.
- Other services and functions as determined by its governing body.
Hub Formation and Structure
- Local permaculturists may form a hub out of an existing permaculture-based organization, or may create an entirely new one.
- A hub shall be legally constituted as a corporate entity. Corporate charters are readily obtained through a state’s Secretary of State or equivalent office. An alternative to incorporation is to associate with an existing non-profit as a project under its fiscal umbrella. PINA itself is a mutual benefit corporation organized under Oregon law, and operating as a 501(c)6 (non-profit trade association or business league). PINA will review the nature and scope of the corporate entity chosen by the hub in its decision about affiliation.
- A hub management body (board or council) consists of three or more PINA members, who constitute a majority of that management team.
- Other aspects of the design, name, formation, governance, and projects of each hub are determined locally, but need to be consistent with PINA’s requirements and the hub’s commitment to serve PINA’s ethical and educational policies.
Once a Hub has become Established
- It will nominate field advisors, whose applications will be reviewed by the PINA Diploma Program Committee. (Field Advisors will be selected by PINA until the hub is in place and ready to assume this function.)
- A Regional Diploma Review Panel associated with the hub will assess diploma candidate portfolios as per PINA’s diploma process and standards.
- When requested by PINA, the hub will nominate a regional PINA diplomate to serve on PINA’s Board of Directors, in rotation with other hubs. As our by-laws indicate, hub-nominated candidates may only be seated if approved by a two-thirds majority vote of PINA’s Directors. To ensure a fully functional board, it is important that new directors fit well with the existing board, bring complementary skills, exhibit a strong commitment, and have the time needed to fulfill the role.
- A hub that ceases to fulfill PINA’s requirements may be suspended or de-listed, and another, more suitable organization in the region recognized at PINA’s discretion. In the event of administrative or legal failures, inadequate resourcing, or difficulties with individuals within the hub, PINA may intervene to provide support, evaluate the likelihood of recovery, or recommend appropriate corrective measures.
Support available to hubs
During the next stage of PINA’s development we will provide the following forms of support.
- Guidance to starting a hub. Templates from successful regional organizations are available, along with coaching and mentoring by PINA’s board and administration.
- A page on its website for each hub to be used for a calendar of regional events and a registry.
- The PINA Logo is already offered to Diplomates for their professional use.
- Our field advisors and associated mentors offer unique opportunities for PDC graduates to make easy connections with hubs in North America.
- PINA will explore coordinated fee and revenue structures with hubs as these emerge.
First Steps
- Contact PINA for a list of members who have expressed interest in helping form a regional hub in your area.
- Meet with interested parties to form a plan for your hub. See the previous section on Hub Formation and Structure.
- Go to the PINA Regional Hub application form and submit the required information to apply to be a Regional Hub. We expect that you will have already had some communication and encouragement from PINA before doing this.
- If your organization is already an Allied Organizational Member of PINA, please write us a letter explaining why you believe your group would be the best PINA representative in your hub region. Include affirmation of meeting the PINA criteria for a regional hub. We will respond indicating next steps for your situation.
- PINA’s Board of Directors will review your application and provide information on how to procced to full PINA recognition as a regional hub.