Evidence that permaculture is moving into the mainstream continues to manifest. Urban Planners are being exposed to the concept of a seven layer food forest on city land as a key strategy for food deserts and implementing public food forests in multiple cities. Atlanta and Philadelphia are implementing major food forests in their cities, and a number of others are in planning stages.
Continue to increase your design skills – you will be needed!
Regenerative agriculture is being adopted by major food corporations as a multi-pronged solution. Food giants General Mills, dairy giant Danone, and Anheuser Busch have all made commitments to transition to products produced with regenerative agriculture techniques. No-till monocrop with cover crops is the main model currently – the mainstream has yet to embrace agroforestry or polycultures, though perennial crops are getting more attention. https://agfundernews.com/regenerative-agriculture-investing.html
And our role becomes ever more important as regenerative agriculture takes off as a subject in its own right, incorporating many of the elements of permaculture but omitting a thorough whole systems design framework based on permaculture principles and the three ethics. Using all of the tools, we can increase yields and heal ecologies and communities even more deeply.
How much carbon is your project sequestering? This study supports the idea of creating stable, permanent soils with rich microbial life for maximum benefit. https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/compost-key-sequestering-carbon-soil/