What are the benefits of being a PINA Diplomate?

  • Increase your effectiveness, credibility, and knowledge by acquiring a Professional diploma in an area of Permaculture Practice
  • PINA’s Diploma Program is designed to help you learn and achieve excellence through a process that supports your needs 
  • Increase Academic Opportunities. Having an Education Diploma from PINA means something to Universities, High Schools, etc.
  • Use of ‘PINA Diploma Holder’ on your Website, PDC’s, etc. 
  • Being featured on Live Streams/Interviews for Promotion of your upcoming events, courses, etc 
  • Use our Social Media team to publicize your programs through our social media channels  
  • Newsletter features and shout-outs
  • Events Calandar for posting your PDC’s and Advanced Trainings
  • Access to Post Jobs or View Paid Jobs

What are the benefits to
PINA Membership?

  • A member Newsletter with guidance for working designers, educators, landscapers, and organizers, stories about PINA members and their work, and updates on the organization’s growth and outreach efforts
  • A growing Media Library of content from permaculture professionals and practitioners 
  • Staff to answer your questions and to provide support
  • Assistance through your Diploma Process
  • Opportunities to Fund or otherwise support your design efforts to regenerate land and community
  • A standard Core Curriculum for the Permaculture Design Course
  • A list of PINA Diplomates recommended in Education and Site Design
  • A roster of PINA-certified PDC graduates who are eligible for certain college Credits and Tuition Waivers
  • A roster of PINA-recognized Advanced Course Graduates
  • Additional benefits to PINA members provided by our Organizational Partners, such as Discounts on courses and webinars
  • Access to workshops and courses, including PDCs, advanced courses and continuing education
  • A Calendar of Courses and Events in the permaculture community
  • Goddard University discounts 
  • Access to Post Jobs or View Paid Jobs
