PDC Graduates


PINA Offers a Diploma for Each Focus

   We Have A

Permaculture Institute of North America is committed to skilling up the next generation of Permaculture Practitioners. We believe that by partnering diploma candidates with experienced mentors and field advisors in their chosen focus, we can accelerate the process of learning and development.


Skip the doubt and uncertainty as you embark down this new path of Permaculture.  Let us help guide you towards success so that you can one day guide another. 

Why You Should Get A Permaculture Diploma

Still Need Help Deciding Which Diploma is Best for YOU?

Deciding what path you would like to take on your Permaculture Journey can be a difficult one.

Fortunately, we put together a short guide that will help make this decision more clear for you. 

There should be no question where your life purpose will take you. 

Download the guide today.

What Are You Waiting For?

 We’ll Help You Fast-Track A Career in Permaculture

Who Are Our Diplomates?

Our diplomates are people like you, people who care deeply about using their time on Earth to make a positive difference.  Some of them you may have heard of, others are quietly making changes in their own community, all you need is a commitment and drive to want to see a better world.

We invite you to check out our current roster of Permaculture Diplomates, to see if it’s a list you might imagine seeing yourself on one day


Benefits of a PINA Diplomate

  • Increase your effectiveness, credibility, and knowledge by acquiring a Professional diploma in an area of Permaculture Practice
  • PINA’s Diploma Program is designed to help you learn and achieve excellence through a process that supports your needs 
  • Increase Academic Opportunities. Having an Education Diploma from PINA means something to Universities, High Schools, etc.
  • Use of ‘PINA Diploma Holder’ on your Website, PDC’s, etc. 
  • Being featured on Live Streams/Interviews for Promotion of your upcoming events, courses, etc 
  • Use our Social Media team to publicize your programs through our social media channels  
  • Newsletter features and shout-outs
  • Events Calandar for posting your PDC’s and Advanced Trainings
  • Access to Post Jobs or View Paid Jobs

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