April 2019 Newsletter

PINA Newsletter, Issue #4, April 2019
Serving our members with news and information for the professional permaculture practitioner.
Articles in this issue
  • PINA’s 2018 Permaculture Design Contest Has a Winner! Permaculture Design Course graduates across North America are working every day to solve the pressing problems of our society and to repair the environment. PINA is proud to display some of the best such projects that have come to our attention. Over the next several months, our website will feature winning, finalist, semi-finalist, …
  • Striking at the Root: A Life in Permaculture Design by Jason Gerhardt I came to Permaculture through a combination of hope and desperation. After growing up with street violence, early death, and urban entropy as central themes of my life, I hoped the rest of life wasn’t going to be such a fleeting affair. With that single point in mind, …
  • Why PINA? Hear what diplomates think about PINA. Kelda Lorax, Oklahoma I joined PINA to benefit from the colleague atmosphere. Years ago there were occasional gatherings of permaculture teachers in my area where we could talk shop about common joys and challenges. PINA is an extension of that. I got a Diploma in Education …
  • Why PINA? Meet some of our Board Members. By Darrell Frey My permaculture journey began in 1980. I was a young homesteader on a fast learning curve. When I read an interview of Bill Mollison in Mother Earth News Magazine, I knew my calling was to become a permaculture designer. Permaculture design represented the …
  • What are Allied Organizations?Allied Organizations are groups that are aligned with the mission of PINA and wish to support it. Does your organization qualify? You can find more information about our Allied Organizations here. https://pina.in/allied-organizational-membership/

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