Please enter one name per line.
"Management team" means your board, executive committee, or other equivalent leadership group for your organization.
NOTE that PINA members must constitute a majority of the management team for a Regional Hub.
After reviewing our
Regional Hub policy and criteria, please tell us why you believe your group would be the best PINA representative in your hub region. Include affirmation of meeting the PINA criteria for a regional hub. If PINA has already designated a hub for the region you select, we will direct you to affiliate with that hub, integrate your efforts with theirs, or otherwise cooperate with them. If, following consultation with the existing hub, it becomes apparent to all parties that a subdivision of the region is appropriate, PINA will take a role in facilitating negotiations.
Please enter names (one per line) of PINA diplomates in your region who might be willing to serve as a Field Advisor in the diploma program (this is paid work).
When (month & year) would you be prepared to nominate a director to the PINA board?
(nominations are subject to PINA board approval)
For example 501(c)3, Mutual Benefit Corp, 501(c)6, Cooperative, Nonprofit not recognized by IRS, other (explain).
Please provide a succinct statement of who you are, as an organization. Include a short statement of mission and history.
Choose a user name for your organization's PINA web site login.