Fast-Track Diploma Requirements

PINA has invited approximately 70 Senior Permaculturists — generally those with 10-20 years of experience in the field — to apply for a diploma based on work already accomplished.

Membership in PINA at the diplomate level of $75 per year is required to apply, as well as the application fee of $200.  The fee covers application for one or two diploma specializations.  To apply for additional diplomas, there will be a fee of $50 each.

Senior Site Designer Requirements
  • At least 10 years of practical in-depth experience in design work.
  • Completed at least 20 permaculture designs in a diversity of contexts, at a variety of scales.
Senior Teacher Requirements
  • At least 10 years of practical in-depth experience in design work.
  • Completed at least 10 permaculture designs in a diversity of contexts, at a variety of scales.
  • Maintained the ethics and integrity of the Mollison curriculum.
  • Taught permaculture for over 10 years, leading a minimum of 20 PDCs.
Senior Site Development & Implementation
  • At least 10 years of practical in-depth experience in site development and implementation work.
  • Completed at least two site designs you have authored, indicating location, context and area of land.
  • For the Site Development emphasis, provide a two-page narrative describing a single site you have developed over at least ten years, addressing the essential points of the Portfolio requirements and including at least five photographs revealing key features, as well as a short description of the public education that you have done regarding the site.
  • For the Implementation emphasis, list 20 sites where you have provided primary implementation, each with a short description.
Senior Community Development
  • List and characterize 20 community-based development designs for at least 10 groups over a period of at least 10 years following the PDC — OR — List and characterize 10 comprehensive community-based development designs that promote beneficial connections between diverse groups.
  • The lists should be chronological, indicate time periods for each project, and provide information about the size and character of the community with which you worked, the aims of the project, the location and the outcomes in brief.  Where work was documented on the web, please provide a URL  A short narrative paragraph for each design is appropriate.  These tracks may be blended, but the resulting Portfolio should be equivalent in scope, i.e., designs that bridge groups may count for two designs for single communities.
  • The criteria for Tangibility, Staff, Scale, Density, Client compensation, and implementation will not be applied strictly in this Track, but should be noted for each design listed and there should be evidence of a range of experience.
  • Whichever of the above tracks is chose, or however work is apportioned between them, also list 2 full Permaculture Design Courses or Advanced Courses in which you participated fully as a member of the teaching team.. State the dates, venue and co-teachers of these courses.
  • Your C.V. or your portfolio should show your training in permaculture and related fields, copies of certificates you have been granted, the span of time spent in each of the projects you list, where you lived at the time you did each, and of course any publications, awards, your public outreach efforts and any additional documents you wish to submit.

Only people who have been invited by PINA can apply for a Fast-Track diploma.

Senior Media & Communications
  • Evidence of a minimum of ten years permaculture experience in media post-PDC.
  • List of media products showing at least 20 significant contributions (books, articles, research papers, movies, podcasts, blogs, etc. or documentation of at least 20 contributions to a single media enterprise of which you were a principal for at least 10 years.  Please include a full bibliography of your work with links if available.
  • Certificates of PDC and other permaculture certifications.
  • Narrative (at least one full page) describing your contributions to the field.
  • Samples of at least 2 media & communications products.

Only people who have been invited by PINA can apply for a Fast-Track diploma.

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