Optical Surveying for Earthworks and Water

Sharpen your eyes. Basic surveying and layout are essential skillsets for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant. In this 6 day course, Hazel teaches the use of analog surveying tools, along with advanced skills in keyline, pond and swale layout, mapping and other core knowledge necessary for design and execution of permaculture projects. Learn swale, terrace, ditch and pond layout, cross-sections, solar assessment, building orientation and pad layout, compass and map reading. We will use hand tools such as sight levels, pocket transits, builders levels, A-frames and various vertical measurement rods, as well as measuring tapes and wheels.


Oct 16 - 21 2021


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


$700, early registration $600


Jacksonville, OR, USA
Jacksonville, OR, USA

Permaculture Institute of North America:


2091 Route 130
Harrison City, PA 15636

Phone Number

(412) 600-5783
