Affiliate Program & Promo Kit

Allied Organizations


Allied Organizations

PINA encourages groups to partner with us by becoming an organizational member. This may include non-profit organizations, certain for-profit enterprises and informal local permaculture associations and guilds.  Organizational members support the permaculture ethics (Earthcare, People Care and Fair Share) and PINA’s mission of professional development, public education and social betterment.

Additional benefits for Allied Organizations:

  • Listing on a special page of this website
  • Receive the newsletter along with notices of special offers to members
  • Invitations to attend PINA-organized regional or continental events (trainings, convergences, seminars) on the same basis as other members
  • May submit material to the PINA newsletter for publication, subject to review by our Editorial Board
  • Able to offer PINA members the opportunity to participate in products, programs, or campaigns they sponsor
  • Able to post Jobs and items to PINA’s Calendar

Contact us with any questions about becoming an Organization Member.

Allied Organizations & Regional Hubs

Organizations who support Permaculture ethics and PINA’s commitment to regeneration, e.g. agroforestry, community development, food sovereignty and social justice. Regional Hubs are PINA-affiliated permaculture organizations that encourage professional development and interactions among members.

$120 / year


Current PINA Allied Organizations



Permaculture Tigers of Auburn University

Permaculture Tigers of Auburn University is the first official permaculture student organization at a university!

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All are welcome, we are open to the public, including Auburn students and Faculty, and also friends in Opelika, Lee County, and surrounding areas. We started this group to begin the permaculture movement in Auburn and meet like-minded people.
Our Group has monthly meetings, usually with a guest speaker. We offer a variety of programs including perma-blitzes (single-day installations of a permaculture project), field trips to local and regional permaculture projects, permaculture education and training including a 72-hour permaculture design courses (PDC), and other opportunities to connect permaculturalists and advance permaculture at Auburn University, the City of Auburn and Opelika, and the larger region of Central Alabama.
Sign up for email updates
We are always looking for guest speakers. Let us know if you are interested to collaborate for one of our monthly meetings. We host speakers over zoom or in person at Auburn University. Join our email list to learn more about events and offerings you can participate in.
Our students are also interested in mentorship. If you are an experienced permaculture practitioner who is passionate about mentoring young people in permaculture, please send us an email and we can connect you to a student.
We also have limited funding available to pay for enriching experiences that enhance student life at Auburn University that also align with our permaculture mission. If you have any educational or hands-on experiences in the central Alabama region or available online, please let us know, and let’s work together!
Please email us at for more information about any of the above.


The Urban Farm

The Urban Farm is dedicated to finding as many ways as possible to grow food in the cities.

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The Urban Farm is dedicated to finding as many ways as possible to grow food in the cities.  We do this on a local level in Phoenix, Arizona with our Urban Farm Fruit Tree Program.

The program was created by founder Greg Peterson 25 years ago to educate people about the most effective ways to grow fruit trees in the desert after he found out that most nurseries and every big box door would sell someone a fruit tree that would never make fruit in our climate.  

Over the past 25 years we have educated tens of thousands of people and sold over 80,000 fruit trees.  we recently assembled over 40 years worth of content for growing fruit trees in our program called Root Camp.  It can be found at


Greg Peterson did his first PDC with Tim and Vicky Murphy in 1991 in Phoenix Arizona. In the following years, he facilitated bringing the same course back to Phoenix. Then in 2006 along with Don Titmus, they created the Phoenix PDC. 

Since 2006, Don and Greg have offered in several different ways yearly PDC’s.  The urban Farm offers a dryland version of it and it happens every February March and April.  You can find more information about it at


Greg has always been very vocal about getting the word out regarding Permaculture. His main push since 1991 is to get people into studying permaculture and into a PDC.  

He does this through regular introduction to culture classes that they offer online and through his ongoing urban farm podcast.  The podcast currently has over 850 episodes that have been released since 2015 with well over 5 million listens.  you can find out more information at 

Greg is also the recipient of a PINA certificate in media.


Greg’s Bio


“What if there was a garden and fruit tree in every yard?” This is a question that Greg ponders every day.  For over 32 years he created on of one of Phoenix’s first environmental showcase homes for urban farming.  

The 1/4-acre yard featured a primarily edible landscape with over 80 fruit trees, rainwater and greywater harvesting, solar applications, and extensive use of reclaimed and recycled building materials.  What we now call an Old Growth Food Forest.


He is the founder of and the host of The Urban Farm Podcast that has over 800 episodes.  The podcast is designed to help fulfill Greg’s passion of spreading the word about growing your own food and sharing new and seasoned gardeners’ epic stories.


British Columbia

Pacific Rim College, School of Permaculture Design

Pacific Rim College is a globally-recognized institution of Holistic Medicine and Sustainable Living located on Vancouver Island in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia.

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The School of Permaculture Design at Pacific Rim College provides robust curriculum in permaculture design, pairing comprehensive classroom and hands-on training with courses in business planning and project management, community development, natural building, and food and medicine systems. The centerpiece of the school’s offerings is a 10-month, full-time Permaculture Design and Resilient Ecosystems Diploma program, the first of its caliber and scope in the world.

The school is proud to host a preeminent roster of permaculture instructors and practitioners, including PINA co-founder Jude Hobbs.

For more information, please visit:


Earth Activist Training

Earth Activist Training (EAT) is an organization dedicated to teaching permaculture with an understanding of social and environmental justice and grounding in spirit. 

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EAT teaches a wide range of courses, from introductory classes for beginners to advanced classes for experienced permaculturalists and specialized classes for professionals working in the field. In collaboration with PINA, EAT offers an advanced dipoma in Regenerative Land Management.

With an understanding of historic injustice and a dedication to making permaculture accessible to those on the front lines of climate, food, and social justice struggles, EAT offers scholarships to indigenous
people and people of color.

Join EAT and become a skillful advocate for People Care, Earth Care, and a fair, just, and thriving future.

For more information, please visit:

[2] https://earthactivisttraining.orga/regenerative-land-management/



Pikes Peak Permaculture

Pikes Peak Permaculture, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization with the mission to provide education and instruction to the general public on the nature, ways and benefits of the discipline of Permaculture.

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Pikes Peak Permaculture, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization with the following mission:

To provide education and instruction to the general public on the nature, ways and benefits of the discipline of Permaculture;

To provide education and instruction to the general public on the ethics, principles and applied technologies of the discipline of Permaculture;

To provide information resources to the public on similar and related organizations;

To act as a local, regional, national and international hub for the general education, advancement, and evolution of the discipline of Permaculture;

Pikes Peak Permaculture was founded in 2002  by Gary Deetz, Bonnie Willow and Becky Elder. In 2009 Gary and Bonnie moved to the Ashville, North Carolina area and are busy building an organization called School of Peace.

Great Lakes

Cincinnati Permaculture Institute

CPIs aim is too educate individuals and organizations on Permaculture in order to catalyze a resilient culture in the Cincinnati Bioregion. Leveraging symbiotic opportunities for practical regenerative results.

More About...

See more on about CPI at their website

Climate Change Permaculture Project (CCPP)

The mission of CCPP is to help to create a critical mass of farmers who will adopt regenerative farming practices, embodied in the principles of permaculture, in order to begin to reverse the effects of climate change AND, at the same time, help to address food insecurity.

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CCPP’s main activity is the Permaculture Incubator Program (PIP)—like a small business incubator, only for regenerative agriculture.

A house with 2.5 acres of prime farmland in central Michigan has been purchased where CCPP can implement its Incubator Program. Trainees will live in the house and will be assigned a half-acre plot each. They will receive instruction in regenerative agriculture from world-class permaculture experts and will put what they learn in the classroom into practice on their plots.

The trainees will sell their produce in the local Farmer’s Market and will be encouraged to share their abundance with the local food bank. The Soil Inventory Project will help us to measure the amount of carbon that we are able to sequester. And we will learn what grows best in extreme weather conditions.

After a couple of years, the trainees will have saved enough money to make a down payment on a farm of their own, lease some farmland, or buy a piece of farm machinery. And a new group of trainees will be inducted into the program.

For more information, please visit:

Earthen Heart LLC.

Offering affordable sustainable long and short term rental housing in rural and suburban areas to those who are willing to do the work to tend the relationships with land, animals and fellow humans. Live simple so that others may simply live. Live free and help others live free. Produce. Create. Share. Receive. Heal. Nurture.

More About...

See more on about Earthen Heart on their website.

Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute

GRLPI is the PINA regional hub for six states surrounding Lakes Michigan and Erie and the Ohio River: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky

More About...

See more on about GRLPI on the Regional Hub page.


Permaculture Association of the Northeast

PAN is a PINA Regional Hub representing New York and the New England states.

More About...

For information on PAN, visit our Regional Hub page.

Ocean Hour Farm – Newport, RI

Ocean Hour Farm in Newport, Rhode Island, uses permaculture to build abundance in the soil and our communities to regenerate land and sea.

More About...

Founded in 2022, Ocean Hour Farm employs whole systems design
to build ecologically sound, socially just, equitable communities for
the regeneration of land and sea.

With our network of students, scientists, farmers, and partners, we build abundance in the soil and our communities through permaculture and regenerative agriculture backed by scientific research.

We share this work through our education programs and explore the connection between soil and ocean health by collecting data on farming best practices and water quality monitoring.



We aim to inspire people to engage and invest in urban agriculture and growing regenerative communities.

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Learn more about how Hoffman/Hayes are transforming their community for a better tomorrow.

Pacific Northwest

The Braxton Foundation

We are dedicated to deepening our connection with nature through the intersecting realms of science, art, and sustainable living.

More About...

Learn more about what weʻre up to at the Braxton Foundation, visit our website.

Edge Perma

Edge Perma develops advanced virtual tours of established permaculture projects, giving viewers a unique, immersive learning experience. 

More About...

Go on a free virtual tour of Beacon Food Forest today:


Urban Harvest

Urban Harvest aims to be a catalyst in transforming food accessibility in Greater Houston. We aim to achieve this by fostering strong partnerships with local farmers and gardeners, operating vibrant Farmers Markets, initiating mobile markets, and providing comprehensive garden education.  

More About...

Urban Harvest is up to some great things transforming their neighborhood communities in Texas.  Learn More.


The Weedy Garden

David Trood is an Australian-born, prize- winning travel and commercial photographer who pushes the boundaries of visual storytelling with his passionate narrative of people and nature.

More About...

If you like Permaculture, youʻll love the Weedy Garden.  Each video is beautifully produced.  Watch now on YouTube.

Allied organization members only: To make a special offer from your organization to PINA members, please use this form to submit your offer for addition to your organization’s listing.

Who may join?

Organizational membership in PINA is open to non-profit organizations and certain for-profit enterprises chartered in North America and to informal local permaculture associations and guilds, subject to the following criteria:

  1. Organizations must apply to become PINA Allied Organization members. Upon payment for membership, fill out the Allied Org Member Profile. PINA will review your information and reserves the right to reject any application. A full refund will be issued in any such instance.
  2. The purposes of the applying organization must be consistent with and supportive of permaculture ethics (Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share) and PINA’s mission of professional development, public education, and social betterment.
  3. If organized as a for-profit entity, the purpose of the organization must be centered in the practice of permaculture (design consultancy, teaching consortium, landscape installers, provider of goods/services to the permaculture trade, e.g. nursery), and a least one principal (owner, managing director, etc.) of the business must be a graduate of the PDC.
  4. Organizations for which the primary purpose is the promotion of any political party or candidate for political office are excluded. Also excluded are organizations which have been subject to criminal or civil penalties in relation to any alleged violations of law.

What are the privileges of membership?

  • Organizational members will be listed on a special page of the website.
  • They will receive the newsletter along with notices of special offers to members.
  • They will receive invitations to attend PINA-organized regional or continental events (trainings, convergences, seminars) on the same basis as other members
  • They may submit material to the PINA newsletter for publication, subject to review by our Editorial Board.
  • They are invited to offer PINA members opportunities to participate in products, programs, or campaigns they sponsor.
  • They will be consulted in regard to the formation of PINA hubs in their areas of operations.

Contact us  with any questions about becoming an Organization Member.

Educational programs and course offerings made here by PINA Allied Organizational Members cover a wide range of subjects, for many of which PINA does not presently offer certification. Our Allied Organizational Members are reputable and we encourage PINA members and visitors to investigate the many opportunities listed here. PINA endorses the Permaculture Design Course as taught by our diplomates in Education. Some of our organizational members are staffed by or working with PINA diplomates. Please check our list of PINA Diplomates to find more information about individuals whose experience and credentials have been verified through the PINA diploma process.

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