PINA Regional Hubs

Great Lakes

Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute

Founded in 2015, Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute  is the PINA regional hub for six states surrounding Lakes Michigan and Erie and the Ohio River: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky.

We support permaculture diploma candidates, sponsor convergences throughout the region, and work to provide mutual support for permaculture graduates and members of the public interested in learning about permaculture. We are committed to regenerating communities and landscapes through the powerful tools of permaculture design and grassroots action.

Member volunteers are welcome to help us develop public policy proposals and advocate for them, put on events, reach out to spread the word about what we do, and offer services to members. Rates are $30 per year; (PDC graduates $20, diplomates and professionals $40, organizations $50, supporters $100). Your leadership is needed!

To join or volunteer, contact us by e-mail, visit our website, or write 310 Beck Avenue, Akron, OH 44302.


Services offered by members of GRLPI can be seen on their Directory of Services. No special offers are available to PINA members at this time.


Permaculture Association of the Northeast
The Permaculture Association of the Northeast (PAN) is an organization dedicated to increasing the resilience of the northeast region by strengthening the regional permaculture network and increasing access to relevant education and resources. PAN exists to grow and strengthen the network and support the effectiveness of all local permaculture nodes (individuals, organizations, businesses, farms, etc.) across the region.

Our core focus areas include promoting connectivity between permaculture practitioners, educators, and leaders; organizing face-to-face and other networking opportunities, managing web infrastructure that includes list servs and a regional permaculture course database, and building capacity of local initiatives by providing services such as fiscal sponsorship for organizations seeking to increase the capacity of their work, For more information, please visit:

No special offers are available to PINA members at this time.


Colorado Permaculture Guild

The Colorado Permaculture Guild brings together local permaculture groups and individuals to provide education, networking, practical resources, enthusiasm and fun with the goal of growing awareness and use of Permaculture principles and ethics throughout our community.

The CPC organizes regional permaculture convergences and events, does fundraising and distributes scholarship money for PDC’s and Permaculture Teacher Trainings.  Other activities include promotion of regional permaculture activities through social media and directing inquiries to partner organizations.  the CPC keeps a registry of qualified presenters, instructors and mentors on hand to secure the highest standards.  

The CPC website has information on classes, workshops and all manner of gatherings with regards to the permaculture movement. The CPC includes local permaculture guilds in Denver and Boulder, and is allied with numberous organizations in Colorado.

To subscribe to the CPC newsletter, go to


No special offers are available to PINA members at this time.

Organizing Resources for Regional Hubs

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