PINA Webinar:
Biochar, Wildfire Risk Mitigation, and Forest Health
Recorded February 9th and 16th
For link to stream or download the webinar:
Quenching the Kiln. Colorado, USA June, 2022
Available to Members and By Donation, this webinar is great for landowners, agency personnel, community leaders, firefighting crews, permaculture and other landscape designers, and anyone concerned with wildfire risk and climate pressures.
Building on PINA’s successful field operations in Oregon in 2021-22, PINA staff present the context and challenges of wildfire in western forests, along with research findings into best practices, technical insights, and community and professional resources for reducing risk.
Gloria Flora, PINA’s Philanthropy Coordinator, founder of U.S. Biochar Initiative, and a former USFS Forest Supervisor, together with Brian Byers, Land Steward at Lost Valley Educational Center in Dexter, OR and a crew co-leader with PINA’s Fire Ecology Restoration Project (FERP) cover:
Forests and Fire Ecology
Treatment Considerations by Habitat Type
Biochar Properties and Benefits
Use of Portable Flame-Top Kilns
Resources, Grants, Financing, and Networks of Support
PINA’s Executive Director, Peter Bane, facilitates the sessions and also covers the elements of permaculture design that inform FERP’s multifunctional biochar protocol for forest health: how it bolsters community economies, regenerates ecosystems, aids agriculture, and mitigates the climate threat.
Kelpie Wilson, owner of Wilson Biochar, LLC, kiln designer, and a pioneer in the forest biochar movement attended the Feb. 16th session for discussion of the emerging industry and answers technical questions on kiln design and use. Each session includes Q&A.
PINA has produced a documentary about its fire ecology efforts, “Restoring Forests with Fire,” viewable above. The webinar series builds on this work and allows viewers to gain a deeper technical understanding and learn from recorded participant questions. If you are under wildfire threats in your community, are considering how to reduce fuel loads without pollution, want permanent improvements in forest health and productivity, seek to put firefighting skills to use in the winter months, have responsibility for fire protection, or are providing advice and guidance to anyone facing these issues, we encourage you to purchase this webinar or join PINA and get access to all of our recorded content with membership.
Starting March 1st, recording will be available to all PINA Members and will be offered to non-members in exchange for donations of $10 or more. For webinar questions or technical assistance, contact