Joshua Prieto


Josh is the Co-Founder and Director of the Seeds of Tao learning platform for regenerative entrepreneurs. He has over 10 years of experience creating, building, and operating startup solutions alongside entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes.

That experience has shown him that entrepreneurs have the biggest role to play in the Anthropocene as we either create the solutions for, or become the root problem of, our people, planet, and future.

Josh now co-creates educational programs that disrupt the current way our entrepreneurs learn. His holistically designed educational programs empower entrepreneurs to stop chasing “silver-bullet” solutions and start designing solutions that use regenerative systems.

Connect with Josh on LinkedIn

Joshua's Summit Presentation

In this presentation, we’ll be exploring three secrets of brand storytelling that will help you craft a message that will break out of the greenwashed noise and turn you into an authentic leader of change…

Secret 1: How to create a clear and compelling message for your brand  that breaks through the greenwashing

Secret 2: How to separate yourself from the competition by creating a charismatic brand that your ideal customers want to follow.

Secret 3: How to understand your ideal client better than understand themselves





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