Optical Surveying for Earthworks & Water

Basic surveying and layout are essential skillsets for every farmer, homesteader, designer and consultant. In this 6 day course, Hazel aka Tom Ward teaches the use of many analog (non-battery operated) surveying tools, along with advanced skills in key line, pond and swale building, mapping and other core knowledge necessary for design and execution of permaculture projects. Students will become familiar with swale, terrace, ditch and pond layout, cross-section drawing, key line and trail system locating, solar assessment, small cabin orientation and pad layout, staking, note taking, compass and map reading.  We use small scopes, pocket transits, builder’s levels, rods, tapes and wheels.  This is a hands-on, information packed course that will empower you to do the stuff we talk about in permaculture.

This is the 9th annual offering of the course. You can see curriculum, student reviews and logistics of this popular course on the Siskiyou Permaculture website.  Advanced certificate given to those who have taken the PDC.


Nov 09 - 14 2019


All Day


$675 includes camping, early registration $575


Wolf Gulch Farm, Ruch, Oregon
Wolf Gulch Farm, Ruch, Oregon

Permaculture Institute of North America:


2091 Route 130
Harrison City, PA 15636

Phone Number

(412) 600-5783
