Cascadia Permaculture’s Advanced Teacher Training Course

Teaching is Regenerative, Empowering and Part of the Permaculture Solution. In this 7-day dynamic and interactive course, you will learn practical solutions for sharing information, which is essential in these current times. We will be offering teaching techniques that promote ways to apply Permaculture principles and strategies to a wide range of audiences and educational settings. This is achieved by demonstrating a combination of diverse teaching modalities, including effective use of lecture, storytelling, structured discussions, small group work, interactive experiential activities, visual aids and hands-on experiences. June 17-25, 2022 First date is arrival day, last is departure day


Jun 17 - 25 2022


All Day


$950 - $750 sliding scale We are committed to encouraging BIPOC communities along this career path. We are open to adapting fees to insure your attendance in this course


Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA
Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA

Permaculture Institute of North America:


2091 Route 130
Harrison City, PA 15636

Phone Number

(412) 600-5783
