Matt Bibeau
Board Member
Matt has worked in the field of garden-based education since 2005. A graduate of Portland State University’s Leadership in Ecology, Culture & Learning program, Matt’s work has focused on the development and implementation of school gardens and garden-based learning programs in Portland Public Schools, as well as the development of three urban farm sites, Jean’s Farm, Learning Gardens Laboratory and Tryon Life Community Farm. Trained in permaculture design by Toby Hemenway (2006) and in permaculture teaching by Tom Ward and Jude Hobbs (2008), Matt’s career has focused on applying permaculture to both landscape and educational design. He serves on the board of the Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust and is a veteran coordinator of the City Repair Project’s Village Building Convergence. Matt co-teaches a Permaculture Design Course with Ridhi D’Cruz, and is a program leader for Nurture by Nature.
Matt leads the land and infrastructure development and maintenance work at Jean’s Farm, is the lead teacher for all boys mentorship groups and shares his skills with the children that attend the educational programming. He also teaches Permaculture at Portland Community College and runs his own eco landscape company.