Paula Westmoreland
PINA Board Vice President, Joined Board in 2018
Location: USA, Upper Midwest, Minnesota
Permaculture Work
Paula Westmoreland is a permaculture designer, agroecologist, teacher, activist, and writer who started Ecological Design in 2000. She is passionate about bringing the land back to life, laying the foundation for abundance, and finding pathways for people to reconnect to the land. Over the last 20 years she has designed and helped transition hundreds of places including regenerative agriculture farms, public spaces, campuses, urban farms and backyards.
Founder Ecological Design
Developer and Co-Director, Natural Capital Plant Database, with over 5000 subscribers in 70 countries
Founder Permaculture Collaborative, community of “learners” and “doers” in the Upper Midwest
Co-Founder, Executive Director, Teacher, and Mentor at Permaculture Research Institute Cold Climate. Helped launch Backyard Harvest, Urban Farmer Certification Program and Apprenticeship Program.
Co-Author This Perennial Land: third crops, blue earth and the road to a restorative agriculture Co-Developer online “Opportunity Maps” for perennial agriculture in Minnesota
Permaculture Training
Diploma in Site Design, Permaculture Institute of North America
Permaculture Design Certificate at CRIMPI, 2000
Trained in Agroforestry Systems with Center for Agroforestry, Holistic Management with Kirk Gadzia, Radical Mycology with Peter McCoy, Keyline Design with Darrin Doherty, AgroEcology with Sepp Holzer, Edible Forest Gardens with Dave Jacke, Soil Carbon Pathways with Dr. Christine Jones, Soil Food Web with Elaine Ingham
Master of Liberal Studies in Ecology, Sustainable Agriculture and Landscape Design, University of Minnesota, 2001
Available for Land Planning, Design and Consultation
Favorite Quote: “All gifts are multiplied in relationship. That is how the world keeps going”. Robin Wall-Kimmerer
Favorite Books – Web of Life by Fritjof Capra, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall-Kimmerer, Grass, Soil, Hope by Courtney White, and Healing Earth by John Todd.